
Showing posts from September, 2018

Mean-mean multiple comparison plot using R

See Video   ⮞  ☝ AGRON stats July 14, 2018 Introduction Import data file Fit analysis of variance model Display data: Heiberger and Holland General linear hypothesis Display plot from glht function Mean-mean multiple comparisons Display MMC plot Changing name of the plot Customizing color and lines Introduction You will learn how to display mean difference multiple comparison plot using R. A mean-mean scatter plot or MMC plot shows a two dimensional representation of the differences between many means. The MMC scatter plot is different from deffograph however, both provide the same information. The deffograph shows the mean of a group on the horizontal axis against the mean of the other group on the vertical axis with a dot at the intersection. A vector centered at the intersection with a unit slope and a length proportional to the width of t...